Средно IQ по държави (актуализация от 2024 г.)
Ето средния коефициент на интелигентност по държави, актуализиран на 1 януари 2024 г. Това проучване се основава на 1 691 740 души по света, които са направили същия тест на този уебсайт през 2023 г. Държавите, показани в сиво на картата, не са включени поради недостатъчни данни .
Средният коефициент на интелигентност по държави изглежда като цяло е по-висок в Източна Азия. Близо до средното в Европа, Западна Азия, Океания, Северна Америка и Северна Африка. И под средното в Централна и Южна Африка и Латинска Америка.
Класация на държавите по среден IQ
Надеждност на това класиране: Всички участници са завършили един и същ IQ тест на този уебсайт през 2023 г. В 80% от страните IQ резултатите са сходни (<2 точки разлика) с тези от предходната година.
Класиране | държава | IQ | Участници | Предходната година | Разлика |
1. | Южна Корея | 107,54 | 23616 | 107 (104316) | +0,54 |
2. | Китай | 106,99 | 244532 | 106.59 (190255) | +0,4 |
3. | Иран (Ислямска република) | 106,84 | 2959 | 106,52 (1657) | +0,32 |
4. | Япония | 106.18 | 179992 | 108.14 (155534) | -1,96 |
5. | Сингапур | 106.18 | 4576 | 104.75 (5975) | +1,43 |
6. | Австрия | 102,71 | 4712 | 100,33 (6137) | +2,38 |
7. | Канада | 102.6 | 9579 | 99,26 (14271) | +3,34 |
8. | Германия | 102,36 | 33086 | 101.06 (32531) | +1,3 |
9. | Словения | 102.31 | 3212 | 101.05 (2743) | +1,26 |
10. | Монголия | 102.3 | 3126 | 102,5 (1393) | -0,2 |
11. | Израел | 102.18 | 4955 | 96,9 (3744) | +5,28 |
12. | Шри Ланка | 102.16 | 1955 г | 100,47 (3306) | +1,69 |
13. | Италия | 102.11 | 34032 | 99,46 (39018) | +2,65 |
14. | Испания | 102.01 | 20347 | 98,96 (31733) | +3,05 |
15. | Нова Зеландия | 101,76 | 3300 | 99,35 (2289) | +2,41 |
16. | България | 101.71 | 1758 г | 100,21 (375) | +1,5 |
17. | Австралия | 101.7 | 12680 | 101,96 (6574) | -0,26 |
18. | Швейцария | 101,58 | 5924 | 100,74 (7527) | +0,84 |
19. | Белгия | 101,45 | 4984 | 100.03 (7759) | +1,4 |
Average IQ by country (2024 update)
Here is the average IQ by country, updated on January 1, 2024. This study is based on 1,691,740 people around the world who took the same test on this website in 2023. Countries shown in gray on the map were not included due to insufficient data.
The average IQ by country seems to be generally higher in East Asia. Close to average in Europe, Western Asia, Oceania, North America and North Africa. And below average in Central and Southern Africa, and Latin America.
Country rankings by average IQ
Reliability of this ranking: All participants completed the same IQ test on this website in 2023. In 80% of the countries, the IQ scores are similar (<2 difference="" of="" p="" points="" previous="" the="" those="" to="" year.="">
Ranking | Country | IQ | Participants | Previous year | Difference |
1. | South Korea | 107.54 | 23616 | 107 (104316) | +0.54 |
2. | China | 106.99 | 244532 | 106.59 (190255) | +0.4 |
3. | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 106.84 | 2959 | 106.52 (1657) | +0.32 |
4. | Japan | 106.18 | 179992 | 108.14 (155534) | -1.96 |
5. | Singapore | 106.18 | 4576 | 104.75 (5975) | +1.43 |
6. | Austria | 102.71 | 4712 | 100.33 (6137) | +2.38 |
7. | Canada | 102.6 | 9579 | 99.26 (14271) | +3.34 |
8. | Germany | 102.36 | 33086 | 101.06 (32531) | +1.3 |
9. | Slovenia | 102.31 | 3212 | 101.05 (2743) | +1.26 |
10. | Mongolia | 102.3 | 3126 | 102.5 (1393) | -0.2 |
11. | Israel | 102.18 | 4955 | 96.9 (3744) | +5.28 |
12. | Sri Lanka | 102.16 | 1955 | 100.47 (3306) | +1.69 |
13. | Italy | 102.11 | 34032 | 99.46 (39018) | +2.65 |
14. | Spain | 102.01 | 20347 | 98.96 (31733) | +3.05 |
15. | New Zealand | 101.76 | 3300 | 99.35 (2289) | +2.41 |
16. | Bulgaria | 101.71 | 1758 | 100.21 (375) | +1.5 |
17. | Australia | 101.7 | 12680 | 101.96 (6574) | -0.26 |
18. | Switzerland | 101.58 | 5924 | 100.74 (7527) | +0.84 |
19. | Belgium | 101.45 | 4984 | 100.03 (7759) | +1.42 |
20. | Viet Nam | 101.45 | 20707 | 101.14 (10288) | +0.31 |
21. | Georgia | 101.36 | 3084 | 98.96 (1112) | +2.4 |
22. | France | 101.28 | 14012 | 97.46 (28767) | +3.82 |
23. | Belarus | 100.78 | 12813 | 99.67 (20059) | +1.11 |
24. | Netherlands | 100.66 | 18563 | 99.7 (18541) | +0.96 |
25. | Serbia | 100.66 | 4449 | 99.74 (6055) | +0.92 |
26. | Russian Federation | 100.64 | 92769 | 99.95 (68494) | +0.69 |
27. | Slovakia | 100.62 | 6685 | 98.66 (8434) | +1.96 |
28. | Iceland | 100.49 | 670 | 98.12 (892) | +2.37 |
29. | Luxembourg | 100.35 | 707 | 99.66 (960) | +0.69 |
30. | Czechia | 100.17 | 13746 | 99.32 (10471) | +0.85 |
31. | Ireland | 100.11 | 1724 | 96.25 (1621) | +3.86 |
32. | Finland | 99.92 | 12651 | 99.83 (17589) | +0.09 |
33. | Poland | 99.87 | 28232 | 98.66 (15154) | +1.21 |
34. | Armenia | 99.87 | 875 | 98.62 (1010) | +1.25 |
35. | United Kingdom | 99.82 | 16648 | 99.05 (13237) | +0.77 |
36. | Croatia | 99.73 | 5746 | 98.01 (7325) | +1.72 |
37. | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 99.57 | 1135 | 98.15 (1452) | +1.42 |
38. | Malaysia | 99.55 | 19565 | 99.07 (19532) | +0.48 |
39. | Sweden | 99.44 | 8392 | 99.17 (9264) | +0.27 |
40. | Hungary | 99.38 | 13514 | 98.21 (26383) | +1.17 |
41. | Montenegro | 99.34 | 1041 | 97.58 (980) | +1.76 |
42. | India | 99.31 | 71045 | 99.3 (16883) | +0.01 |
43. | Estonia | 99.29 | 3554 | 96.97 (3667) | +2.32 |
44. | Portugal | 99.27 | 8539 | 99.2 (9627) | +0.07 |
45. | Jordan | 99.14 | 242 | 96.88 (1188) | +2.26 |
46. | United States | 98.99 | 52666 | 99.9 (26465) | -0.91 |
47. | Lebanon | 98.87 | 462 | 98.79 (636) | +0.08 |
48. | Egypt | 98.86 | 4217 | 98.67 (2516) | +0.19 |
49. | North Macedonia | 98.83 | 492 | 98.21 (1050) | +0.62 |
50. | Latvia | 98.77 | 4137 | 97.07 (2900) | +1.7 |
51. | Norway | 98.74 | 8199 | 97.41 (13591) | +1.33 |
52. | Algeria | 98.64 | 3330 | 97 (5029) | +1.64 |
53. | Thailand | 98.46 | 25366 | 98.32 (23074) | +0.14 |
54. | Nepal | 98.43 | 519 | 99.74 (436) | -1.31 |
55. | Morocco | 98.02 | 4502 | 96.72 (7390) | +1.3 |
56. | Lithuania | 97.94 | 8294 | 95.73 (6673) | +2.21 |
57. | Tunisia | 97.68 | 3070 | 97.38 (4686) | +0.3 |
58. | Qatar | 97.59 | 445 | 94.41 (717) | +3.18 |
59. | Greece | 97.51 | 20383 | 96.83 (14489) | +0.68 |
60. | United Arab Emirates | 97.4 | 3436 | 97.01 (1547) | +0.39 |
61. | Myanmar | 97.39 | 1743 | 98.15 (682) | -0.76 |
62. | Denmark | 97.32 | 9952 | 96.81 (10830) | +0.51 |
63. | Albania | 97.28 | 519 | 95.45 (1064) | +1.83 |
64. | Kazakhstan | 97.26 | 6329 | 94.65 (11573) | +2.61 |
65. | Peru | 97.26 | 10393 | 96.83 (12673) | +0.43 |
66. | Moldova (Republic of) | 97.06 | 2104 | 95.34 (1989) | +1.72 |
67. | Cyprus | 97.04 | 1983 | 97.48 (2329) | -0.44 |
68. | Azerbaijan | 96.89 | 3932 | 97.37 (3816) | -0.48 |
69. | Saudi Arabia | 96.58 | 2930 | 94.7 (1368) | +1.88 |
70. | Philippines | 96.37 | 4440 | 95.39 (11585) | +0.98 |
71. | Romania | 96.15 | 21449 | 93.86 (21004) | +2.29 |
72. | Bangladesh | 95.84 | 1512 | 97.18 (1519) | -1.34 |
73. | Turkey | 95.63 | 62741 | 97.13 (42801) | -1.5 |
74. | Pakistan | 95.51 | 615 | 94.94 (646) | +0.57 |
75. | Cambodia | 95.36 | 1143 | 95.44 (1177) | -0.08 |
76. | Madagascar | 95.32 | 678 | 96.01 (857) | -0.69 |
77. | Ethiopia | 95.3 | 318 | 95.01 (408) | +0.29 |
78. | Cuba | 95.28 | 2940 | 96.43 (1431) | -1.15 |
79. | Iraq | 94.86 | 1295 | 96.27 (383) | -1.41 |
80. | Uzbekistan | 94.81 | 7033 | 95.24 (2945) | -0.43 |
81. | Ukraine | 94.26 | 117375 | 94.78 (74246) | -0.52 |
82. | Oman | 94.23 | 693 | 95.34 (839) | -1.11 |
83. | Uruguay | 94.2 | 3232 | 96.13 (1437) | -1.93 |
84. | Chile | 94.14 | 11188 | 93.6 (9878) | +0.54 |
85. | Brazil | 94.02 | 54522 | 92 (47360) | +2.02 |
86. | Kuwait | 93.85 | 368 | 94.15 (1471) | -0.3 |
87. | South Africa | 93.73 | 4190 | 92.63 (5419) | +1.1 |
88. | Costa Rica | 93.61 | 1487 | 90.43 (2578) | +3.18 |
89. | Kyrgyzstan | 93.46 | 1942 | 92.98 (1991) | +0.48 |
90. | Argentina | 92.98 | 22731 | 93.47 (16070) | -0.49 |
91. | Mexico | 92.89 | 18571 | 94.45 (13480) | -1.56 |
92. | Ecuador | 92.89 | 4959 | 94.87 (1628) | -1.98 |
93. | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 92.72 | 423 | 95.28 (358) | -2.56 |
94. | Puerto Rico | 92.67 | 900 | 89.02 (815) | +3.65 |
95. | Indonesia | 92.64 | 154070 | 94.04 (170297) | -1.4 |
96. | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 92.58 | 2585 | 93.81 (1616) | -1.23 |
97. | Tajikistan | 92.1 | 636 | 93.17 (441) | -1.07 |
98. | Nigeria | 91.95 | 1582 | 91.92 (3772) | +0.03 |
99. | Colombia | 90.91 | 10313 | 90.23 (10332) | +0.68 |
100. | Cameroon | 90.86 | 625 | 91.15 (927) | -0.29 |
101. | Panama | 90.47 | 1026 | 87.88 (1177) | +2.59 |
102. | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 90.43 | 4285 | 92.28 (2430) | -1.85 |
103. | Senegal | 90.27 | 312 | 88.9 (759) | +1.37 |
104. | Honduras | 90.2 | 964 | 86.87 (2010) | +3.33 |
105. | El Salvador | 89.5 | 953 | 86.96 (1415) | +2.54 |
106. | Paraguay | 89.46 | 1957 | 90.86 (1273) | -1.4 |
107. | Dominican Republic | 88.98 | 932 | 87.19 (2578) | +1.79 |
108. | Benin | 88.54 | 234 | 88.59 (303) | -0.05 |
109. | Guatemala | 88.45 | 1698 | 87.92 (1659) | +0.53 |
110. | Nicaragua | 87.75 | 971 | 86.3 (1585) | +1.45 |
111. | Cote d'Ivoire | 87.6 | 677 | 88.38 (1631) | -0.78 |
112. | Congo (Democratic Republic of the) | 87.25 | 276 | 87.07 (653) | +0.18 |
113. | Angola | 86.7 | 393 | 88.52 (266) | -1.82 |
114. | Congo | 86.65 | 280 | 86.91 (356) | -0.26 |
115. | Gabon | 86.09 | 390 | 88.89 (401) | -2.8 |
What is the average IQ in the world?
The global average IQ is 100.
Why is the average IQ by country below 100 for most countries?
One of the main reasons for this is China, which alone represents about 18% of the world’s population. China balances out many countries with an average IQ below 100 due to its very high average IQ score (106.99) and its large population.
When considering the population of countries and their average IQs, the final result is an average IQ of 100 for the global population.
Why is there a difference in the average IQ by country?
Several factors can influence a country’s average IQ:
Infectious Diseases: A 2010 study demonstrated that countries with high rates of infectious diseases generally have populations with lower average IQ scores. These diseases can negatively affect cognitive development. Africa is the continent most affected by infectious diseases.
Dietary Habits: A 2024 study showed that children with good dietary habits have higher IQs than other children. Therefore, countries with good dietary habits (and less food poverty) tend to have higher average IQs.
Intellectual Activities: A 2022 study found that regularly playing chess can increase children's IQs. Another 1962 study showed that bilingual children score higher on intelligence tests than children who speak only one language. Thus, regular intellectually stimulating activities within a country’s culture tend to raise its average IQ.
Genetics: A 2013 study on over a thousand twins demonstrated that IQ is influenced between 50% and 80% by genetics.
To conclude, countries with good healthcare systems, that promote healthy dietary habits, and encourage their citizens to engage in intellectually stimulating activities, tend to have populations with higher average IQs.
Genetics provides a solid foundation upon which the environment can build further. Thus, good genetics combined with a good environment tend to increase the average IQ score. The global average IQ should therefore gradually increase, as confirmed by a 2014 study, which observed a 2.31 IQ score increase per decade. This phenomenon is known as the Flynn Effect.
However, the purpose of the IQ test is to classify the population around an average of 100. The algorithm of the international IQ test should therefore adapt to this increase to maintain the IQ average at 100 with a standard deviation of 15.
How often is the average IQ ranking by country updated?
The ranking is updated annually on January 1st, based on data from the previous year.
How reliable is this ranking?
All candidates have taken the international IQ test on this website. The international IQ test is based on the Raven’s Matrices technique, without cultural discrimination.
More than 80% of countries obtain a similar average IQ (maximum difference of 2 points) to their score from the previous year.
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